Our nonfiction focus continues during reading block. We're onto finding the main idea and supporting details of a nonfiction text. We're learning a variety of strategies, like using the text structure and headings, identifying the topic first, and working backwards from the supporting details. Finding the main idea is a big focus in 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade as the texts get more and more complex. Soon we'll transition into writing about nonfiction texts. Speaking of writing, I had Mrs. O'Keefe's homeroom for writing and social studies this week. The kids are really getting the hang of adding details to our sentences with appositives and prepositional phrases. Our next emphasis will be on avoiding run ons...something I'm eager to tackle!
April's mom came in to my homeroom today to share some background on Hanukkah. The kids played dreidel and enjoyed some tasty chocolate gelt. Mrs. O'Keefe's homeroom also had a fun afternoon playing bingo.
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Jessica and Mckayla. Both ladies are working super hard during our nonfiction unit. They both are really improving in terms of finding the main idea. Most importantly though, Jessica and Mckayla are both kind, considerate, and positive students, and they are definitely deserving of the Bucket Filler title.