Our Bucket Filler this week was Ava. One of the things I really appreciate about Ava is that I can tell when she "soaks in" what is being taught in class, because she immediately applies it to her work. For example, it was cool to watch her use what we focused on in some of our writing mini-lessons to add to and improve on her personal narrative. Not only that, but her spelling is substantially improving this school year, which Ms. Fudge, Ms. Jareo, and I are super pumped about!
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Our Bucket Filler this week was Ava. One of the things I really appreciate about Ava is that I can tell when she "soaks in" what is being taught in class, because she immediately applies it to her work. For example, it was cool to watch her use what we focused on in some of our writing mini-lessons to add to and improve on her personal narrative. Not only that, but her spelling is substantially improving this school year, which Ms. Fudge, Ms. Jareo, and I are super pumped about!
Monday, January 21, 2019
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Dylan and Colin. I can't say enough good things about both boys. Both of them are considerate students to me and considerate classmates to their peers. They are both thoughtful and reflective, and when either of them is absent, the classroom feels noticeably incomplete. I love that I get to spend lunchtime with each of them this week!
Sunday, January 13, 2019
In writing, we focused our time over the last two weeks on the revising and editing stages of the writing process. We had lessons around adding purposeful dialogue into our narratives and splitting our writing into paragraphs. Students also typed up their narratives and worked on a neat interactive social studies assignment using Google Slides and Google Maps.
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Annabel C. and Miqueias. Annabel is on a Bucket Filler streak-- this is her second week in a row! She really filled my bucket after school on Monday when I noticed she'd left me a note in my classroom mailbox. It was a simple sentence or two, but its thoughtful, supportive message meant a lot to me. Miqueias put forth so much effort on his nonfiction test, and Ms. Fudge and I were both impressed and proud. His hard work paid off and he did great, and I love seeing him continually blossom as a student this year.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
We came back from winter break for three days...and what an interesting three days it was. We'll start with my lack of voice. There were moments on both Wednesday and Thursday when I literally didn't have a voice. I'd try to speak and nothing would come out. I sounded a lot worse than I felt though, and I'm glad I didn't call out for a sub. The kids were also wonderfully attentive and kind, to the point that this may have been one of our best behaved weeks of the school year! (Maybe I'm onto something...maybe losing your voice is the latest and greatest in classroom management...) Fortunately in terms of my throat, things were a bit better on Friday. It definitely wasn't a typical day though. When it was announced that our school was going into a secure and hold lockdown, I was in the middle of my prep time. My homeroom was in gym and Mrs. O'Keefe's homeroom was in the cafeteria for concert rehearsal. I felt pretty helpless that I wasn't with my fourth graders, but I can say with confidence that they handled the understandably nerve-racking situation with maturity. As we discussed during our whole-class conversation after the lockdown was over, the events that unfolded were taken as a precaution and we are incredibly safe at the Kennedy School.
We had FOUR Bucket Fillers this week, two from each class. This was the result of the great week we had, in addition to the fact that we didn't pick Bucket Fillers for the week prior to vacation. For Mrs. O'Keefe's homeroom, Kailynn and Annabel C. took the weekly title. I was so impressed with Kailynn's ability to bounce back after being a bit shaken up on Friday. Our ELA block was of course shortened that day, but she was able to fill out her entire graphic organizer, participate, and overall just have a really awesome class. For Annabel, it was her participation this week that especially stood out. We're tackling some tough stuff in our nonfiction unit as we've begun writing text-based responses, and Annabel has shown me a lot of effort in how often she is willing to put herself out there and raise her hand. Miles and Brennan won Bucket Filler in my homeroom. Similar to Annabel, I was proud of how much Miles participated this past week. It's fun to see his face when he has an "Aha!" moment, making it evident that he's actively listening to and making sense of the lesson's content. Since the beginning of the year, Brennan has also grown a lot in how much he participates. Furthermore, he did a really nice job with his homework this week, and I'm hoping that effort continues. Keep up the good work, everyone!
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