In terms of who "won", I was very torn about whether or not to even have "winners". But the aspect of competition was motivating for some kids, and when it comes down to it, being able to humbly win and gracefully lose is a reality that is good to get used to. My dad and I decided to have one winning team (of four possible teams; two in each homeroom) and several students as honorable mentions. The winning team (Aden, Lacy, Viola, Ava, Miqueias, Leanne, and Kaleah) ended up being on the negative side of the issue, and their enthusiasm, assertion, and clear arguments made for a successful and convincing crew. Other recipients of our Debate Winners medals were Colin, Lyla, Mihali, Petra, Annabel C., Emma, Antonio, Seriyah, and James, who were acknowledged for a variety of positive factors. Overall though, I was so proud of everyone, and their eagerness, teamwork, effort, and participation made for an enjoyable event that will be a highlight of the year for me.
We had three Bucket Fillers this week. Our Bucket Filler for Mrs. O'Keefe's homeroom was Shay. Shay is always contributing to class discussions. I love that she always has her hand in the air, ready to share her ideas. She has grown so much in reading this year, and we have a wonderful relationship that I truly cherish. We picked two names for my homeroom this week, and that's because of how much extra time and effort so many kids put into our debate. Both teams knocked it out of the park and just were super into it, so I ended up rewarding them by selecting two Bucket Fillers for the week. Those two names were Rakia and Mason, and what awesome, awesome kids they both are. It's funny, because they actually have many similarities in terms of why I appreciate them so much. Both Rakia and Mason received the Superintendents Award this school year, and while they were for two different things (Academics and Leadership), they both very well could have been the recipient in the other's category. They are positive, flexible, and respectful. Mason is the first to help me clean up the classroom at the end of the day, and that's often without being asked to. Rakia is as polite and kind as they come, continually supporting her peers and her teachers. I truly feel lucky to have them both in my class this year!