Our Bucket Fillers this week were Eric and Hannah. I was really happy with Eric's grasp of the story we read, and he did an awesome job in our small group for the character writing. I hope we can continue to develop his confidence this school year, because he has lots of good ideas and insight that make him a valuable member of our classroom community. Another standout for me was the way Hannah was able to make sense of the story and explain her text evidence to support her character traits. That explanation component of text-based writing is the most challenging part for most kids, and students often tend to limit themselves to one sentence that doesn't clearly convey the link between their evidence and their central idea. Well, Hannah knocked this part of the writing out of the park. Her hard work in general made me proud. Nice job, Hannah!
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Eric and Hannah. I was really happy with Eric's grasp of the story we read, and he did an awesome job in our small group for the character writing. I hope we can continue to develop his confidence this school year, because he has lots of good ideas and insight that make him a valuable member of our classroom community. Another standout for me was the way Hannah was able to make sense of the story and explain her text evidence to support her character traits. That explanation component of text-based writing is the most challenging part for most kids, and students often tend to limit themselves to one sentence that doesn't clearly convey the link between their evidence and their central idea. Well, Hannah knocked this part of the writing out of the park. Her hard work in general made me proud. Nice job, Hannah!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
We've shifted our focus to characters in fiction, and how we can infer character traits based on what a character says, does, and thinks. In past years, I've noticed that kids tend to use the same traits again and again--nice, mean, funny, brave. So this year, I'm trying something new: character trait of the day. So far, we've added the words imaginative, considerate, optimistic, pessimistic, and rational to our vocabulary. In addition, we've discussed the difference between character traits and physical traits, and this upcoming week, we'll differentiate between a character's traits and character's feelings. In writing, I introduced various strategies for starting off a narrative with an engaging lead, referred to as a 'hook'. We looked at some samples of popular books and how authors hooked the reader using dialogue, onomatopoeia, description, a question, etc., and students brainstormed a bunch of different hooks for their own writing.
It was a pleasure meeting so many parents during our Open House on Thursday. It was wonderful to hear some of the positive things kids are saying about their fourth grade experience thus far, and I'm hopeful that we'll get an even bigger turn out for conferences.
Our Bucket Fillers for the week were Julie and Lila. Julie is so bright. She's a great writer, and I love how she internalizes what we discuss in class. I can tell she's paying attention and soaking in the vocabulary words we cover, because she is able to naturally weave them into classroom discussions days later. Lila is also fabulous. She's such a sweet girl, always eager to help others when in need. I frequently notice her supporting her classmates, and I know that her motivation for doing so isn't getting recognition, but rather, she's just a genuinely kind girl. I love that!
Monday, October 14, 2019
In ELA this week, we began exploring figurative language. We'll spend more time analyzing figurative language in our poetry unit, but it's important that students begin recognizing and making sense of similes, metaphors, and personification when they come across them in their reading. In addition, students will be expected to incorporate figurative language and description into their own writing this year.
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Donovan and Chris. Donovan was a participation monster this week. He showed attentiveness and a growth mindset with his continual willingness to put his hand up and share his thinking, and that was particularly noticeable during some of the more challenging class discussions we've had recently. Chris really impressed me with the summary he wrote this week. He was able to take the important information from a story and incorporate that information into a clear, well-written summary. He was also super eager to begin reading his book club book upon receiving it on Friday, and I love when I see my students show overt enthusiasm for reading!
Sunday, October 6, 2019
We also celebrated "We Belong Week" this week. School-wide activities for this community week included banner and t-shirt decorating, buddies, and class discussions on topics like belonging and inclusion. Both homerooms got to read with the first graders on Wednesday, which was fun. And we had a blast decorating t-shirts on Thursday. Ziyad made me laugh with his realization after he finished his design... (picture evidence to the right--I promise he said I could!)
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Samar and Natalie. What sweet, hardworking young ladies they both are. Samar has been working on an extra writing since the beginning of the year that's now several pages in length. She's also really attentive and kind to those around her, and I'm really looking forward to having lunch with her on Monday. Natalie is always helping me put out supplies and clean up the classroom, and she is consistently engaged in classroom lessons and discussions. I'm sure she'll be getting Bucket Filler quite a few times this school year! :)
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