Between Book Club, instruments, and the Turkey Bowl, Wednesday flew by. After instruments, we did a gratitude activity with the first graders. Each first grader was paired up with one or two fourth graders, who helped their younger peer make a "gratitude pie". It was a cute, simple craft, and it was nice to see our students being so kind and attentive to the first graders. They were great role models!
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! This week was a short one of course, just two and a half days. In that short time though, we managed to spend time with both 6th grade classes and Ms. Matteis's first grade class. On Tuesday, Ms. Ward brought her sixth graders in so that we could show them our social studies slides and related art projects. Each student’s presentation focused on a particular state in the U.S. and what can be learned about that state through five different maps: a political map, a physical map, and three different thematic maps (one historical map was required, along with two choice thematic maps). On each of the map slides, there were 2-3 bullets of information gathered about the state through that particular type of map. (For example, a state’s landforms might be mentioned next to a physical map of the state.) In addition, students used lines and patterns to create a visual of their state in art class, so the kids had those out next to their Chromebooks when Ms. Ward's class came in. We also thought it'd be fun to challenge the sixth graders to a little competition, so we came up with questions for a scavenger hunt that they worked on as they went around to each fourth grade project. It was a cool way to celebrate the hard work put into this assignment, and I hope the kids were proud of themselves.
Between Book Club, instruments, and the Turkey Bowl, Wednesday flew by. After instruments, we did a gratitude activity with the first graders. Each first grader was paired up with one or two fourth graders, who helped their younger peer make a "gratitude pie". It was a cute, simple craft, and it was nice to see our students being so kind and attentive to the first graders. They were great role models!
Between Book Club, instruments, and the Turkey Bowl, Wednesday flew by. After instruments, we did a gratitude activity with the first graders. Each first grader was paired up with one or two fourth graders, who helped their younger peer make a "gratitude pie". It was a cute, simple craft, and it was nice to see our students being so kind and attentive to the first graders. They were great role models!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
This community week's theme also directed our attention to our own heritage. On Tuesday, we discussed what we know about our family's heritage as a class, using a globe to locate the various countries from which our ancestors came. We also had a Heritage Fair on Wednesday. Several parents from our school community kindly brought in various objects, games, and tokens from different countries around the world. In the gym, six stations representing the six inhabited continents were set up with items from that continent. The kids went around to the different stations to explore these items, while also trying to answer some related trivia questions. Make sure to check out the pictures below!
I'm excited about where we're going in ELA right now, because I've been working with Mrs. George (one of our district's ELA coaches) to integrate the 4th grade social studies standards with our nonfiction reading unit and expository writing unit. So for the next few weeks we'll be applying nonfiction reading strategies to informational texts on U.S. landmarks, and use the information we gather to create our own magazines on Book Creator that convey the importance of a particular national landmark. Weaving together all three of the subjects that I teach is something I'm really trying to focus on this year, and I'm hopeful that my students gain a lot from this integration of subjects.
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Lila and Dylan. This is Lila's second time getting Bucket Filler, which isn't exactly surprising. She is very thoughtful and kind, and she's one of those kids who does regularly express gratitude for the things we do in class. So it's a fitting week for her name to get pulled! Dylan was absent on Friday, so the fact that he's Bucket Filler will be news to him on Monday! One characteristic I really like about Dylan is his natural tendency and desire to help others in need. For example, I'm often misplacing things throughout the day, and Dylan is always ready to help me locate what I've misplaced, often "on the hunt" to find it before I even finish my sentence stating what I'm missing! I love how eager he is to help those around him, and I'm looking forward to telling him that he won Bucket Filler!
Monday, November 18, 2019
It was great getting the chance to check in with so many parents/guardians during round two of conferences on Thursday. Though the meetings are brief, their brevity allows for the opportunity to meet with more families, which is especially important as kids progress through the grade levels and have more than one teacher.
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Logan B. and Jack. Logan B. is one of those kids who can make you smile on the hardest of days. He is just so genuine and kind, and he really impressed me with his participation during our nonfiction lessons and discussions this week. And Jack's skills when it comes to all things technology? Also incredibly impressive. He is a computer whiz. Between his Youtube channel, knowledge of Scratch, use of QR Codes, and just overall natural understanding of how to navigate a Chromebook, he has become our classroom's go-to support when computer issues pop up. Not only is it helpful having a Chromebook expert in class, having an expert who's willing to help others is even better. Great job, boys!
Monday, November 11, 2019
Happy long weekend, folks. It's hard to believe that we're nearing Thanksgiving break, and then before we know it, it'll be 2020! It was great meeting so many families at our first day of parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday. On Thursday, I look forward to meeting with the remainder of the parents/guardians on my sign up sheet. We finished up our ELA test revisions and our personal narratives this week. Overall, I was super impressed with how well both classes did on our first test of the school year. The average was roughly 18/19 points out of 22 possible points, which is awesome. Our next unit (nonfiction) will start on Tuesday. We'll also begin our focus on expository writing.
This week, I did a compliment chain with both classes. The 15-minute activity goes like this: First we sit in a circle. Then we discuss the importance of kindness and compliments, and what makes a compliment genuine. This leads into my introduction of the compliment chain exercise. Students were asked to take one minute to think of something kind to say to the person to their left. They were asked to be specific, and go beyond things like, "I like your shoes" or "You're good at soccer". I started us off, and we went around the circle giving a compliment to the person to our left. THEN we repeated the same routine in the opposite direction. At the end, we reflected on how good it feels to not only receive compliments, but also how good it feels to give compliments. I love doing this activity with kids, and we'll continue to promote positivity and kindness as often as possible.
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Makayla and Abdul. Makayla is the epitome of sweet. She continually shows patience and kindness to her classmates, and she's one of those kids I can count on to work well with anyone and everyone. Abdul blows me away with his creativity and artistic ability. He is so gifted at drawing! He also has worked hard recently to make good decisions in regards to where to work in the classroom and where to stand in line during transitions. I'm really proud of both Abdul and Makayla!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
As a result of the students having the day off on Tuesday, we didn't have a half day this week. Normally we do book club on half day Wednesdays, but rather than simply holding it on our full day Wednesday, Mrs. O'Keefe and I decided to push book club to Thursday morning. We figured kids would already be excited, it being Halloween and all... They also asked if we could make things extra comfy for book clubs and do a pajama day. So Thursday got off to a comfortable start! On Friday, many students reached the publishing stage of their personal narratives. Before typing though, we had to do some editing. As an introduction to the COPS editing strategy (capitalization, organization, punctuation, spelling), we "performed" a whole class skit. Our "officers" in each class were even lucky enough to lead us through a quality COPS rap. Let's just say, it was pretty amusing.
Our Bucket Fillers this week were Romana and Alteo. Romana looooves reading, and I loooove that about her! She is also just so enthusiastic in general about learning, and it's incredibly enjoyable to have that positive energy during our classroom lessons and discussions. Alteo was one of a few kids in my homeroom who really impressed me on Friday. After a rough report from specialist on Thursday, a handful of students really turned things around during art class on Friday. Alteo and a few of his peers showed self reflection and responsibility by making the decision to stand out in a positive way during specialist, and Ms. DeAngelis gave me a list of several names of students who did an excellent job with listening and behavior during art class. Alteo was at the top of that last. Way to go, Alteo!
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