Monday, June 25, 2018

It's the Monday after our last day of school, but it's hard to believe summer vacation is underway. My brain is still very much in "school mode"...and I'm still not entirely ready to officially label this year's kids as fifth graders. To say they're a special crew is an understatement. This past school year, Mrs. O'Keefe and I were fortunate to have such a kind, responsible, supportive group of students. Their enthusiasm for learning was contagious, and I felt myself eagerly anticipating their reactions to the various units, lessons, assignments, and activities I introduced to them throughout the school year. Even more importantly though, they are nice to each other. It was impossible to keep track of the number of times I would look up to find a student helping his or her classmate without my prompting to do so. I love how happy they are for each other's successes and how well they work in groups and teams. I hope they hold on to that camaradarie as they continue to progress through the grade levels, and although I won't be their official teacher anymore, I look forward to seeing them grow as students and people.

So, to my wonderful 2017-2018 fourth graders:
       Thank you for being your wonderful selves. Thank you for a successful school year and so many special memories. Have an action-packed (and reading-packed...) summer, and I can't wait to hear about it when we return to school in August. Yes, that's right- I expect visits galore. :) 
                                                                                                   Miss Hanly

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